10 Reasons to Talk to an Attorney Before You Settle

HGTV expert Ty Pennington reports that do-it-yourself projects are more popular than ever.   He attributes economic reasons for homeowners to take on projects such as hardwood flooring since these projects often add value to the home.

When legal decisions are involved, do-it-yourself may be penny wise but pound-foolish.   When you are injured in an accident, resolving your case without an accident lawyer might be a bad decision.   Why?

  1. TIME. The insurance company will want to settle your case fast!  That's good, right?  Maybe, if you are 100% sure that you are not injured.  However, even with minor injuries, long term effects don’t appear for days, weeks and sometimes months.  Being pressured by an insurance adjuster can make it difficult to be patient.  Hiring an attorney means that the insurance company can’t contact you, providing you with the opportunity to fully recover.

  2. SIMPLICITY. In today's complicated insurance world, your medical bills may be paid by your own automobile policy through medical payments or personal injury protection (PIP). Your health insurance could pay some bills and then require reimbursement. Some medical providers request that personal injury patients provide them with a lien on their settlement. In these circumstances, you could be legally responsible for the payments. A qualified personal injury lawyer will work with you to have your bills paid and satisfy these obligations when you case is concluded.

  3. FAIRNESS. Insurance companies typically want to settle cases for the smallest amount possible. Without the help of a local accident attorney, it is hard to estimate whether or not a settlement is fair. You could be selling yourself short.

  4. THOROUGHNESS. If an ambulance transported you to the emergency room after the accident and you were evaluated and released, you may receive as many as five bills: ambulance, emergency room, emergency room physician, radiology, and pharmacy. An attorney may be able to help you know what to expect and help you to understand our complicated medical system.

  5. COMPLETENESS. In addition to being able to recover your medical bills after an accident, you may also receive reimbursement for other losses such as your lost wages. You can usually receive payment for partial compensation for your pain and suffering. If you also have a permanent injury, scarring or anticipated future costs, those items can also be compensated by the insurance company. A qualified lawyer can help you to be reimbursed for all of your losses and payment for your future medical costs.

  6. EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. Recovery from an accident may be difficult. If you suffer a concussion, you may experience memory loss or confusion. After a neck or back injury you may be distressed that you cannot keep up with your normal schedule. A skilled lawyer will work with you to get your life back on track.

  7. BUDGET. When the time comes to settle your case, receiving a lump sum can be confusing. Do you use the money to pay off bills or go on vacation? Should you save it for future medical expenses or to go back to college? We offer clients assistance, if they want it, in developing to maximize the benefit of the settlement.

  8. FREEDOM. Being in an accident often creates chaos and stress: car repairs, doctors’ appointments, missed work, and disrupted schedules. You may feel overwhelmed and uncertain. Our office helps free up some of the obligations so that you can focus on getting well and getting back to the things that you enjoy in your life.

  9. CHOICES. Many of our clients have a full recovery, often by combining treatments including minimally invasive spine surgery, conventional surgery, steroid injections, physical therapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic care, spinal decompression and counseling. While we do not recommend a course of treatment, we often discuss the options available for you to fully recover.

  10. FINALITY. Once you settle a case, it’s closed forever. You only have one opportunity to fully recover. You don’t want to miss it.

Call or email us if you have any questions about our accident and injury legal services.  You can set up a free consultation with Brenda to talk about your questions whether they involve an insurance company not accepting fault or car accident injury settlement amounts. Schedule your free consultation.  If you have questions about what to do after a car accident in Virginia and West Virginia you may attend our free live monthly webinar where you will learn about getting medical bills paid, injury settlement amounts, pain and suffering payments, and lawyer fees. During the webinar, we will review some actual settlement examples from this area to help you understand what to expect. Simply register for the free webinar and we will answer your questions.


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