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Free Webinar on Settling Your Car Accident Case
What should you do after a car accident? Are you looking for an accident lawyer near you? Do you have questions about car accident injury settlement amounts? Are you worried because the insurance company refuses to pay your auto claim? Do you wonder, "should I get an attorney after a car accident?" These are complicated questions that can be difficult to answer.
Parenting Plans: Questions to Ask Before You Develop a Schedule
Last week we looked at how to create a parenting plan to divide your decision making after divorce. Establishing details and processes for decision making is the foundation of a terrific parenting plan. Create a plan with the help of an experienced mediator, family counselor, or collaborative attorney to draft a strong agreement-- built to withstand a lot of wear of tear! Next, you’ll develop the second part of your parenting plan, a schedule outlining what nights your child is sleeping at each house—or “allocation of custodial responsibility.”
Yesterday, The West Virginia House of Delegates passed a bill that could make it much more difficult for many victims to recover medical expenses or other damages after an accident or a crime. West Virginia H.B. 2002 abolishes “joint liability.” Reading the bill may be pretty confusing, full of legal terms such as “comparative fault” and “joint liability.” In this post, I’ll try to explain what it means and how this change in the law could impact you. If you have been injured in an accident or if you are a victim of crime, this may make it more difficult for you to fully recover.
Keeping Your Benefits After You Settle: It Is Not Simple!
Recently I volunteered with the West Virginia State Bar to answer phones on Tuesday night when we offer free information by calling a toll free state-wide hotline. I had a number of calls, but one of them was very disturbing. This caller lost her in-home services provided by Medicaid when her attorney settled her case without addressing this issue. For a very small settlement, the caller lost her in-home service provider and risked being placed in a nursing home. With proper planning, this did not have to happen!
Whether your are injured in an accident, are a victim of crime, or looking for a way to co-parent your children after divorce, selecting a lawyer to help you can be difficult. With offices in Martinsburg, Charles Town and Washington DC, we provide broad based legal services to families who are looking for a way to restore wellness in their lives. Our office provides litigation services in select cases, but we are also certified to provide collaborative law representation in West Virginia and the District of Columbia. Brenda is also a certified mediator in both Virginia and West Virginia.
10 Reasons to Talk to an Attorney Before You Settle
Can you represent yourself in court? It depends! Some matters are simple and litigants can find the resources that they need to go to court without a lawyer. In other situations, you should never go to court without a lawyer to guide you through the process. Brenda Waugh provides legal and mediation services in Virginia and West Virginia and can help you decide when you need a lawyer and what process—litigation or mediation may be best suited for your legal problem.
Keeping Healthy... On Ice
We are experiencing a cold snap in the DC area. Please be careful! But if you are injured, be sure to take it easy, recover fully and follow these guidelines before your settle your personal injury matter involving the fall.