Restorative Justice, School brenda waugh Restorative Justice, School brenda waugh

Restorative Justice as an Alternative Process

Today, we continue in our review of the alternatives within ADR and will look at restorative justice or restorative practices. My law and mediation practice is based in the principles of restorative justice. Today’s post looks more at a few of the processes often associated with restorative justice that are sometimes used instead of conventional litigation or court processes.

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School, Free Speech, Education Mediation brenda waugh School, Free Speech, Education Mediation brenda waugh

Can We Say That? A Summary of First Amendment Rights for Students

With the wave of activism among American’s youth, I find that I’m getting calls from students, and their parents, about what free speech rights students have at school, and outside of school.  In the past, I've been involved in research and litigation involving the free speech.  During law school, I working as a research assistant on the issues of free speech and religion.  The first case that I argued at the West Virginia Supreme Court addressed the free speech right of the student body president to intervene when security officers began arresting students at a football game.  Since then, the laws have changed a little, but the fundamental meaning of the first amendment remains solid.  The government is limited by the First Amendment in when and how it may infringe upon any citizen's right to speak freely.

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Restorative Justice, School brenda waugh Restorative Justice, School brenda waugh

Restorative Justice Training Improves Options for Educators

Restorative Justice provides options for educators in Virginia and West Virginia to improve the classroom environment. Brenda Waugh worked with experts from Harrisonburg, Virginia and Morgantown, West Virginia to create a two day workshop on restorative justice. During the workshop, participants were introduced to victim-offender conferencing and restorative justice talking circles.

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What Every Divorcing Parent Should Know About Their Child’s Tuition, Part II

This post is part of a three part series addressing how divorcing parents might address higher education costs.  Yesterday, we addressed the question:   “How long is a parent required to pay support?”   Today, we’ll consider whether divorcing parents should agree to share the costs of their children’s college. The laws in the states where I practice do not require parents to pay college costs, but parents can agree in their divorce agreement to share in the costs.   Consider several questions before entering into an agreement to be sure your agreement is in the best interest of your child and your family.

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